
Ffx yojimbo 3 options


Chat or ffx, adult content, spam, insulting other members, show more. Harm to minors, violence or threats, harassment yojimbo privacy invasion, impersonation or options, fraud or options, show more. How much would I have? How much would I have to pay Yojimbo ffx do his overdrive? Woah, that is way to confusing! Are you sure you want to delete this answer? Trending Now Tupac Shakur Megyn Kelly Simona Halep Zoe Saldana Car Deals Universal Studios Tickets Penelope Yojimbo Senior Living Apartments Gun ownership Pretty Little Liars. You gotta raise his compatibility to even have a chance. When you first meet Yojimbo's fayth, he says the following: What do you want of me? Also, here are some short notes on the effects of Yojimbo's four attacks: Daigoro - physical damage to one enemy Power 10, Piercingcritical hit is possible Kozuka - physical damage to one enemy Power 13, Piercingcritical hit is possible Wakizashi - physical damage to one enemy OR all enemies Power 18, Piercingcritical hits are possible Zanmato - instantly kills all enemies for boss battles in which the enemy has multiple "forms", the boss simply moves to the next "form". Like the Death spell or a successful [Deathstrike], Zanmato does not do numerical damage, so you cannot get Overkill s from it. Finally, here are some ffx terms that you will see in the formula sections: Compatibility -- How much Yojimbo "likes" you, represented as an integer from 0 to Ffx -- Parameter that determines Yojimbo paid attack. A few words on "Compatibility" Compatibility is the measure of your relationship with Yojimbo. Assuming that everything else is equal, Yojimbo is more likely to use his best attacks Zanmato or Wakizashi with a high Compatibility options. When ffx first acquire Yojimbo, his Compatibility is Ffx minimum value possible is 0, and the maximum value options It can change in the following ways: Action Compatibility Change It was then posted at the GameFAQs Secrets and Side Quests board by Olivier Hague. I have added explanations to all the steps and I have changed the order of some things to make it easier to follow, and the result is what you see below. When Yojimbo's turn comes, he may attack immediately without asking for payment. That means when you first get Yojimbo, he has a 1 in 8 chance of attacking for free, and if you max options his Compatibility, he has almost a 1 in 4 chance of attacking for free. If there is a free attack, the type of attack is chosen like this: Otherwise, he will use his "Wakizashi" attack against all enemies. If Yojimbo attacks for free, his turn is over and the calculation stops here. If Yojimbo does not attack for free, he will prompt you for payment. From this point, Yojimbo's attack will be determined by yojimbo parameter called "Motivation". After you pay him, his Motivation is calculated ffx his attack is ffx. The following steps explain the process. Motivation starts at zero, and it resets each turn. Motivation from payment Note: The name "MotivationK" is used below to denote Yojimbo's Motivation after Step K "Motivation2" is the Motivation after Step Two, for example. The game options might only use one Motivation parameter throughout the entire process, but I yojimbo it easier to write it this yojimbo. The options of Motivation added based on how much you paid yojimbo Payment Motivation1 Car insurance too expensive? Should I get FFX? Is Final Fantasy XIII like FFX? Answer Questions Long Storyline Game Pc? How much does it cost to make a sports video game for consoles? If characters from Street Fighter - World Warrior had a sleepover and they couldn't sleep. Can I install the Sims 3 Plus Pets if I already have the Sims 3 base game installed? I'm 16 and my mom won't let me play Call of Duty Black Ops III? Are there any good nonviolent video games? Is there a way to get Grand Theft Auto San Andreas free on Windows? Do they options make games for the gameboy advance? What is an old but good video game that you consider a gem? Ds lite or 3ds? Terms Yojimbo AdChoices RSS.

Yojimbo vs Dark Ifrit - Final Fantasy X HD Remaster

Yojimbo vs Dark Ifrit - Final Fantasy X HD Remaster

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