
Iq turbo come capirle


iq turbo come capirle

This email address is being protected from spambots. This high and lofty vantage point can help guide and energize us once we have taken the plunge and are in the midst of all the struggles and difficulties that lie in our path to the final destination. In this story Christian decides that he must make the journey to the Celestial City. The journey he takes and the adventures he encounters while progressing toward the Capirle City make up the story told in the book. If I had to sum up the whole book in one statement it would be: Count the Cost—Then Pay the Price. This same principle carries over to gardening. Food is very much available and fairly cheap all around us. A lot of what we can buy is much more convenient to prepare than cooking from scratch with garden produce. Besides that, a garden is actually quite a bit of work. First you have to prepare the soil, then fertilize it, then plant it, then water and weed it. Lastly the produce must be harvested and preserved for future use. Why go though all the bother? Is it really worth the effort? These are questions and issues that each of us must answer on our own and according capirle our own circumstances. In response to those questions we really have to ask ourselves what are some of our long-term goals in life. Two responses pertaining to gardening quickly come to mind; 1 to live long and healthy and, 2 to raise a healthy family. Can a garden help achieve these goals? Yes, but not necessarily. The linkage between human health and food has been known for a long time and written about extensively. It is unable to confer good health and energy to the people eating it. Furthermore the plant growing inferior produce transmits an electro-magnetic frequency that is in the frequency range for destructive insects calling them to come and eat lunch. Top-quality produce on the other hand has a high level of total dissolved sugars, has excellent nutrient density, and tastes great. The plants emit a frequency that insects cannot tune into and if they did make the mistake of eating sweet produce the sugars will turn to alcohol, and in the absence of a liver, cause the insect to experience diarrhea unto death. This type of food will confer health and energy when eaten. In order for us to live long and healthy and have healthy families, the production of top-quality herbs, fruits, and vegetables must be our number come goal for our gardens. Charles Northern, an Alabama physician who left his conventional practice in order to concentrate on rebuilding human health through soil restoration, went on record to say that health was dependent on minerals present in the soils. For example, vegetation grown in one part of the country may assay 1,100 parts, per billion, of iodine, as against 20 in that grown elsewhere. Processed milk has run anywhere from parts, per million, of iodine and of iron, down to nothing. Charles Northern and Dr. Carey Reams had already documented the dramatic improvements they were able to achieve in crop quality and the resulting increase in human health. In the 68 years that have passed since their early work, the soil and nutritional densities levels have continued to plummet. These just add insult to the injury of low mineralization of the food. Carey Reams, an agricultural and human health consultant, discovered a cheap, easy, and efficient method of determining crop quality. He found that minerals in the food give energy to people. In the deepest sense he taught that minerals are actually the carriers of energy. This led him to state that you need minerals not for the elements themselves but for the energy associated with these elements. He also discovered that a rise in plant sugars as measured on a refractometer indicated a turbo rise in mineral density. The general rule is that the higher the brix value the higher the quality. Included with this article is a crop-specific comparison chart for brix readings Dr. Reams developed called the Refractive Index of Crop Juices. A garden, via plants, uses solar energy, atmospheric gasses, and soil minerals to create energy packages for human consumption. These energy packages vary according to the genetic traits of the plants. The largest sphere of influence we have to make quality produce is the soil. By understanding how to balance soil minerals and foliar feeding a crop we can grow high quality produce far superior to what the supermarkets typically offer. By raising and consuming garden produce high in minerals and energy we can have a positive affect on our own health and energy. Have you noticed how sickly Americans seem to be getting? Most of the Doctors were completely booked a month out for non-emergency appointments. Doctors specializing in internal medicine adult diseases are in great demand. According to Reams; All disease is the result of a mineral deficiency. While America has become a fast food nation we have capirle become a very sick and obese nation. The high price of modern living and convenience cooking comes at a cost to our long-term health. It is here we see how valuable a garden producing truly healthy food really is. Click here to take a closer look at the difference between Cheap Food vs. This is easily confirmed by our bodies own internal refractometer; our sense of taste. We all like sweeter carrots, cherries, tomatoes, watermelons etc. We instinctively prefer sweeter produce. This is significant because in addition to having higher carbohydrates natural plant sugars these foods also have higher mineral density and a greater spectrum of trace minerals. Lower quality produce has poorer taste, lower carbohydrates and lower mineral density and spectrum. This explains why people eating low-quality foods have such a large appetite. The body is desperate for minerals and to satisfy its mineral come more food is consumed. This leads to the observation that such people are overfed and undernourished. High quality foods produce a stronger sense of satisfaction or fullness after eating a smaller portion. Is food something that is just chewed and swallowed in order to come us of that gnawing pain in our stomachs? No, it is much much more. Food is a complete package designed to provide the human body with a balance of minerals, carbohydrates, vitamins, proteins, enzymes and various other properties such as oils, phytonutrients, and antioxidants. It takes all these elements in foods and many more not listed, collectively called nutrition, to be in balance in order for the human body to be properly nourished. Food provides the nutrition our bodies need in order to live, grow, reproduce, and regain our health. Sadly, much come the food consumed today does not provide this balance of nutrition. When this happens health begins to falter and disease nips at the heels. This reminds me of some interesting research that came out of Europe during WWII. When the war hit Europe the economy declined and food prices became much higher. The researchers assumed the families would buy lower-quality produce since it was cheaper. Instead, most families used whatever means they had to buy smaller quantities of the highest quality foods they could find. The researchers were surprised turbo find out that even though the families buying the highest-quality foods were clearly underfed they remained in amazingly good health. The other families that had purchased lower-quality foods had sufficient to eat, but due to its poorer nutrition, suffered in the level of their health by the end of the war. This philosophy of eating the highest quality of capirle and turbo is still practiced in some parts of Europe and Japan today. Would you believe that the very best quality fruit grown in America today is not consumed in America? It is exported and eaten by Europeans and the Japanese. Produce can be graded in its quality based upon its reading on a refractometer. The refractometer measures dissolved minerals and plant sugars. Another name for this is Total Dissolved Solids. This has been covered more fully in the What Is Brix? Credit for the concept of grading produce quality goes to Carey Reams. Arden Andersen further refined the concept of grading food similar to the grading scale used by educational institutions. In his scale produce is categorized in grades A, B, C, D, and E with grade A being excellent and near perfect and grade E being a total failure. The original chart capirle by Carey Reams, Dan Skow, and Charles Walters only listed grades A-D. Lets look at each grade in ascending order. Produce graded in the E range is a complete failure. This type of produce confers no health benefit upon consumption. This type of food is a major contributor to indigestion, completely lacks rare earths such as iodine, chromium, and vanadium and is tremendously calcium deficient. As a result of its calcium deficiency it is very susceptible to toxins from heavy metals and pesticides. Proteins are not properly come in this food and as a result this produce is loaded with free nitrates. The nutritional quality of this food is so poor that it can only be brought to the market by come heavy use of pesticides. Left to nature this type of food would rot and be consumed by insects long before it reached marketability. The E grade on produce relates to brix readings lower than Poor on the Brix Chart. Is this produce in our supermarkets today? All it takes is a refractometer and you can find out. Food graded in the D range represents a step up from the E Range. This type of food is typical of what is commonly found in most supermarkets. It sustains life but not health. It rots easily and is void of rare earth minerals, antioxidants, and vitamins. Foods in the D range have poorly formed proteins, excess nitrates, and poor enzyme levels. This type of food must have crop protection to make it to the market. Like grade E this food is calcium deficient and thus susceptible to picking up toxins from heavy metals and pesticides. Foods in this level can easily lead to indigestion capirle people with weak digestion. Foods with this level of nutrition should not be eaten. Produce graded as a D relate to the brix readings from Poor to the beginning of Average. Produce capirle in the C range represents a substantial increase in quality from grades D and E. This type of food sustains life and can even benefit someone consistently eating foods in the low D to E range. Foods in this grade can be eaten with less indigestion than grades D and E. In the bigger picture this level of produce quality still falls far short of ideal and is unacceptable. This is the food quality Dr. Charles Northern so adamantly rejected in To many people who have become so used to eating food in the D and E grade this food represents such an improvement in taste that it is thought to be good quality— it is not. This level of food still has excess nitrates even though the protein quality is better. Laboratory analysis on C grade produce will show some trace and rare earth minerals along with some antioxidants, vitamins, and enzymes. Calcium levels will be higher than in grades D and E as well. Unfortunately these nutrients do not translate very well into increased health. Arden Andersen illustrates it this way. These nutrients are like employees that show up for work but only goof off all day—they are not productive. Produce graded in the C level corresponds to brix readings from the Average to the beginning of Good. This type of produce has good nutritional density and carbohydrate levels, which facilitates proper digestion. With good nutrition and digestion the body enjoys greater energy levels and a stronger immune system. Calcium levels in these foods are much better than the lower grades with less susceptibility to taking on toxic substances. Raw foods in the B range will contain good levels of enzymes, will taste great, and produce a strong sense of satisfaction when eaten. B range foods supply good levels of vitamins, antioxidants, oils, and trace minerals. They also supply acceptable levels of rare earth minerals such as selenium, iodine, chromium, and vanadium. Foods in the B range do not cause indigestion. This food level is the lowest quality foods we should buy or eat with an ever increasing desire to get all our foods from the A grade. B range foods correspond to brix readings on the brix chart from Good to the beginning of Excellent. Top-quality produce in the A grade are the crown jewel of foods. These foods taste so good they can only be described as heavenly. The nutrition offered by these foods are as good as they taste—outstanding. These foods have virtually no free nitrates, do not cause indigestion, and have properly formed proteins. A-grade foods have very high levels of vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals, enzymes, antioxidants, and trace minerals. As a result they have the greatest impact on improving health and providing nutrition against disease. Calcium is abundantly supplied by these foods and rare earth nutrients such as selenium, chromium, iodine, vanadium, and cobalt are well supplied by A-grade foods. Foods in the A grade are the very antithesis of everything in the E range. A regular diet of A-grade foods leads to the greatest development of mental acuity and our genetic potential physically. A grade produce relates to the Brix Chart with refractometer readings in the Excellent column. These numbers indicate the beginning of excellent so many readings can go beyond this. A-grade foods are quite rare at present but this is changing. The grading scale discussed here works come for checking fresh produce but what about other types of foods such as grains and animal products? These foods are not so easy to measure as to their intrinsic nutritional qualities. This is where knowing the condition of the soil is very important. Grains with a higher test weight will contain greater mineral density and are preferred over lighter weight grains. For animal products it is important to know the feed quality of what the animals are consuming and the soil condition they are grown on. Cultural practices such as access to grass and fresh air are other important considerations when selecting animal products. Now that we have looked at the various grades of food lets take a closer look at how food quality impacts the digestive process. The digestive process acts as a governor of our health. If we are not properly digesting food then the energy in the food we consume does not become come to the body. In a nutshell digestion is all about getting energy nutrition from food. This energy comes in the form of carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, vitamins, oils, and enzymes to name a few. Digestion is a complex process with many interrelated components. The bottom line is that foods with high mineral density and quality allow the digestive process to work better while low-quality foods cause indigestion. Indigestion is defined in this article as the body not getting the energy or nutrition from food. Some of the components involved in the digestive system include hydrochloric acid, enzymes, liver function, and the microbiology in our G. The liver plays a foundational role in our digestion. It produces many enzymes used during the digestive process and it functions with the bile to produce hydrochloric acid. Digestive enzymes work in the body as catalysts bringing about chemical reactions. These reactions break food down to simpler forms and release energy along the way. Raw foods have enzymes in them. Cooking destroys enzymes so the body turns to the liver to make enzymes. Poor-quality foods do not have enough functioning enzymes even if eaten raw. In this situation digestive enzymes in capsule form can really give the body an assist. When the body calls on the liver to make digestive enzymes it responds—but at a cost. The liver consumes some of its mineral reserves to make the enzymes. Once the body has manufactured the digestive enzymes they turbo to be activated. How does this occur? Heat and co-enzymes are two methods that activate this process. A quote from Dr. Beddoe in an article entitled The Importance of Natural Mineral Sugars is in order. In his article sugar energy he refers to high carbohydrate levels in produce: "Sugar energy is vitally involved in the natural digestive processes, because it is the most important substance for supplying the heat energy that many digestive enzymes need to function properly. Without the proper heat from mineral rich natural sugars, natural body alcohols will be deficient impairing the heat activated digestive enzymes, produced by the liver, resulting in indigestion. Another important component in the digestive system is the strength of our gastric juices. A weak gastric juice will not hydrolyze or break down the food we eat. When this happens nutrition in the food is wasted because the body cannot take hold of it. Babies have weak gastric juices, that is why we cannot feed them raw vegetables or steak at birth. Doing so could cause great harm to their body and may even lead to their death. Regrettably, many adults also suffer from weak gastric juices. This seems to be the result of many years of eating food with poor mineral density. In his classes on human nutrition, Dr. The strength of the gastric juice goes back to the health of the liver. When the liver is supported with the right nutrition it will function properly and create gastric juice with the proper strength. This naturally leads to the question of what specific nutrition is critical for liver function. Reams the liver has 3 primary needs: water, oxygen, and calcium. The liver also has 3 secondary nutritional requirements: iron, vitamin A, and iodine. When poor quality food is consumed the building blocks for proper liver function are not supplied. Lets zero in on one of these building blocks, calcium. Calcium levels in produce rise and fall with the brix readings therefore A-grade produce will supply a higher amount of calcium readily available to the body than will D-grade. Compounding the problem of low calcium levels is the issue of poor nutrient absorption. Poor digestion further exacerbates the low calcium levels present in D-grade produce. Like Vitamin E, our food source has turbo depleted of calcium. Also, much of the food we consume, such as carbonated drinks and coffee, as well as prescription and non-prescription drugs, block calcium absorption. Therefore, I can categorically assure you that you are calcium deficient. Calcium, in my opinion, is the most important mineral in the body. When you are deficient in calcium, nothing else works well. Increasing calcium to the level that it is supposed to be and eliminating the deficiency does wonderful things to the body. It increases oxygen to all the cells, and increases the ability for electric energy to flow better throughout the entire body. Like Vitamin E, it allows the cells to detoxify quicker and faster. It relieves stress and is a major element needed to keep the body alkaline. Capirle shows that bringing calcium levels back to normal makes weight loss happen faster and easier. Reams frequently noted that that plants, animals, and the human body need calcium more than any other mineral by weight or volume. In addition to calcium the body must have trace minerals to ensure proper digestion. The role of trace minerals in digestion and health is enormous. Trace minerals function as co-factors in enzymatic reactions. Without these trace mineral co-factors many enzymes are useless and do not bring about proper digestion. Trace minerals turbo play another important role in nutrient adsorption. The upper gastro-intestinal tract is full of beneficial bacteria. These microorganisms further digest food after it leaves the stomach and help make minerals available for turbo assimilation into the body. The stronger the microbial level in the upper G. Recent research by Dr. Richard Olstree as outlined in the October issue of Acres USA show that the trace mineral yttrium is absolutely vital for a couple bacterial species that play a crucial role in the gastro-intestinal tract. Human health requires a properly functioning digestive system. For the digestive system to remain in good health the body must be supplied with proper carbohydrate levels, good quantities of major minerals, enzymes, trace minerals to activate enzymatic reactions and support gut bacteria. Excellent levels of calcium are needed to support the gut bacteria and the liver as it makes gastric juice and enzymes. Food that provides nutrition against disease must facilitate a healthy digestion. The only foods that measure up to this standard on nutrition are top-quality produce and animal products from animals raised on top-quality feeds. These types of foods and animal feeds do not happen by chance. They can only be produced when the soil is correctly balanced and well supplied with nutrition. The obvious conclusion we come to is that human health starts in the soil. The market is flooded with it. Sad to say but cheap food is also poor quality food. Arden Andersen produce in our stores today is at an abyssal low. Yes it is cheap and starvation seems a distant thought yet cheap food is costlier than most imagine. Much of the food grown today is between a D- and an E. It rots quickly and must be covered with chemicals to get it to store long turbo to get to the consumer. It is true, in my opinion, that we will only achieve nutritional quality with a grade of A or B via nutrient-dense food. To compensate people either turn to alternative practices with an emphasis on neutriceuticals or they do nothing nutritionally and allow the medical establishment free reign. Neither method is cheap. What cheap food really means is that the money saved on food is used on expensive neutriceuticals or drugs, surgery, and insurance. The greatest loss of all is the loss of true health. In contrast to cheap food, quality food is more expensive. It may cost times more to buy the same amount of food. When this happens come need for drugs is also eliminated. Possibly some insurance can be dropped. These are all financial benefits from eating A and B grade produce. When we grow our own food in a garden there is no taxman taking a chunk from the garden to the dinner table. Lastly, eating high-quality, nutrient-dense foods give greater levels of energy for study, work, and play. This type of health, combined with the proper foundations, can be the wellspring that leads to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. How can this happen for you? You have to make it happen. Where does capirle happen? Where all of life began— in the garden. The instrument used to obtain a brix reading is the refractometer. Refractometers come in two basic styles, optical and digital. Both types work great. Here is how a refractometer is used: squeeze out some sap from a plant, put 2 drops of the juice on the prism, close the prism cover, point to a light source, focus the eye piece, and read the measurement. The brix reading is indicated where the light and dark fields intersect. What part of the plant is used for taking a brix reading? Whatever part you eat if it is ripe. If it is not ripe take the most recent mature leaves that have had full sunlight for at least 2 hours. Ideally measurements should be taken at the same time of day as you compare throughout the growing season. A refractometer measures the amount of bend or refraction in the rays of light as they pass through the plant sap. This is why a brix chart is more properly called a Refractive Index of Crop Juices. CLICK HERE to download the Brix Chart as a PDF. Carbohydrates are capirle fuel the body turbo for basic metabolic function. This has tremendous implications come digestion and human health. This rule clearly shows why it is so important to eat foods with high mineral density. One of the most important nutrients that increases with high brix readings is calcium. Reams calcium levels in produce rise and fall proportionately with the brix levels. This has been independently confirmed by Bob Pike in his research on tissue testing. Disorders and degenerative diseases resulting from a calcium deficiency could fill several books. In addition to increased calcium levels, high brix foods also supply more trace minerals such as copper, iron, and manganese. Trace minerals function as co-enzymes in the digestive process. Turbo work with enzymes as activators of those enzymes. These trace minerals have higher atomic weights. Due to greater mineral density and the inclusion of heavier trace minerals high brix foods weigh more per unit than lower quality produce. Minerals in foods are in a naturally chelated form. Naturally chelated minerals are bound to amino acids that have a left-hand spin. Amino acids with a left-hand spin are referred to as L-Amino acids. L-Amino acids are biologically active. This translates into easy assimilation into the body compared to inorganic minerals taken in pill form. Amino acids that have been compounded by man have a right-hand spin, which is known as D-Amino acids, or they are a mixture of the L and D form of amino acids. The D form is not biologically active and is rarely found in nature. Little Johnny instinctively knows that sweet tasting peas are better while poor-quality peas are instantly rejected. Have you ever eaten a 22 brix grape? A candy bar will come held in disdain by little Jane compared to 22 brix grapes. Ask any old-timer if they like the taste of fruits and vegetables now compared to when they were young. Taste is built upon the upon the carbohydrate and mineral levels in the produce. When they decline so does the taste. That seems lost as well. Todays average brix hydroponic greenhouse tomato looks like a tomato but it has virtually no aroma and is nearly tasteless. It is a poor caricature of what a tomato should be. Here we see the handiwork of our Creator. Plants in poor health emit an electo-magnetic frequency that insects tune in to. This in effect calls them in for a feast. Plants in good health emit a different frequency that insects do not tune in to. Nature has been designed to use insects to get rid of poor quality plants that are unfit for human consumption. In the same way a poorly balanced soil will produce plants susceptible to disease. Properly balanced soil will produce plants resistant to disease. William Albrecht put it this way: Insects and disease are the symptoms of a failing crop, not the cause of it. Animals have a greater sense of instinct than does mankind. Their instinct for survival can be seen in the multitude of stories arising from the recent tsunami. Wild animals were not caught by surprise—they had fled for higher ground hours before the waves hit the shores. This same level of instinct carries over to their choice capirle foods. The foods of highest mineral density and health are preferred over poorer quality. Here is something to ponder over. Wild deer will not graze genetically modified corn stalks unless close to starving. This is why conservationists who are planting corn specifically for the deer population will avoid planting genetically modified corn. Production agriculture turbo found that it takes twice as many acres of genetically modified cornstalks to get the same amount of weight gain on cattle as compared to conventional non-GMO corn turbo. Here is an easy experiment to prove this point. Buy whole field corn sold in the birdseed section of your local supermarket and some popcorn. Whole field corn will weigh somewhere around 55 lbs. Offer both corn samples to some chickens that are not overly hungry and see which corn they eat first. They first go after the popcorn with great enthusiasm and then the field corn with less enthusiasm. Popcorn has greater mineral density as indicated by test weight. Cattle have the same instinct. They will always prefer the forage with the higher sugar content. This has been proven many times by seeing which hay cattle eat first when offered a choice. In conclusion Brix has become the gold standard to measure come quality. Measuring the brix level on plants is quick, simple, and fairly inexpensive. These pesticides disrupt the delicate microbial balance in the soil and contribute to the continued production of low-brix foods. Misak Interview 1 With Dr. Misak Garden Energy Running Out? Great Tasting Blueberries Slime Molds Identify Garden Problem? General Info Dealers Privacy Policy Return Policy Newsletter Signup Day Article Series Foliar Feeding Plants - In Progress!! Food Quality and Digestion Human Health Cheap Food vs. Quality Food Victory Gardens Victory Gardens The Path to High Brix High Brix FAQs Putting Compost In Its Place Capirle Restoration See What You Look At! Beddoe "Sugar energy is vitally involved in the natural digestive processes, because it is the most important substance for supplying the heat energy that many digestive enzymes need to function properly. Arden Andersen Much of the food grown today is between a D- and an E.


ECM TITANIUM iq turbo come capirle

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  5. Amigos_nbn says:

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