
Vollautomatische handelssysteme forex


vollautomatische handelssysteme forex

I have been a long time reader of ET and would like to share my IB story with everyone in the hopes that some people will understand what kind of firm they are. During the last 2 weeks I have been in a nightmare scenario, and I have now been forced to close my IB account. As some may know, Handelssysteme recently released its new version of TWS that has "improved" allocation of orders for Financial Advisors thats me. I am vollautomatische automated systems trader using the IB API and have been with IB for quite some time. In the transition to the new FA handelssysteme, there was a change made vollautomatische the order execution forex. TWS now reports negative shares against the financial advisor master account, whereas this was never reported before. This change was not documented in the API release notes, the API newsletter, vollautomatische the TWS release notes. More negative shares were being reported, and the problem spiraled further and further. It ended up placing over four lot trades before I stopped it manually, paying the spread everytime. I alerted IB to this problem and worked with their "proserve" department to explain how an undocumented change caused my program to fail. I told them I wanted to remain a customer but they said there was no way they could refund me or my forex for anything. I hope no one else has to go through this, so please remember, IB is cheap, and you get what you pay for. The changes in the allocation algorithm for Financial Advisors FA were substantial and fundamental. IB's Proserve group contacted every Professional Advisor, either by email, or individually by telephone to discuss the implications of the changes. In addition, we sent out email communications to all other Financial Advisors in advance of the upgrade, in most cases by 2 weeks. Under the new design, all orders are issued out of the master account. This allows the FA to benefit from any declining scale commissions, such as for US stocks, as the commissions are now measured on the master order rather than the derived allocations. Executions are reported back to the master account. Within a few seconds, the allocation algorithm processes the trade by debiting the master or 'F' account for the trade and crediting the appropriate quantities to the sub accounts. Vollautomatische sides of the trade are reported over the API which is appropriate for proper position accounting with the F account reported as a negative quantity. IB has 2 electronic connectivity solutions: The API is a layer solution on the TWS and, as such, is quite sensitive to TWS changes. As our long-standing customers may know, IB is constantly working vollautomatische our technology to keep it on the leading edge of brokerage technologies. TWS releases are frequent, even if most releases have evolutionary, rather than revolutionary, changes. For customers requiring a more industrial strength solution, the CTCI uses industry standard FIX protocol, although the feature set is less forex than on the TWS. The CTCI is closely and carefully documented. The API is less so, and this is clearly disclosed to handelssysteme. We emphasize rigorous testing. The customer upgraded to API version 8. The customer's application interpreted the F account reversal trades as real executions and created new trades to cover them. IB's evaluation of the problem resulted in the following conclusion: No other API user had a problem with the API upgrade. That said, as the forex maker for IB in this event, and as a former designer and lead risk manager of one of the world's largest handelssysteme trading systems, I am personally sympathetic. I have made handelssysteme supervision errors at painful costs and learned, too often in the hard way, to:. The sympathy will not make xidious any happier, of course, but at least handelssysteme basis for the decision may be better understood. On one point that I can certainly agree with xidious, is that the review and response process took too long. I handelssysteme take direct responsibility for this; timeliness in resolving trade complaints is one of the areas of IB's service that is most deficient. I want to emphasize that IB's is absolutely NOT indifferent to the customer relations impact of our complaint handling process. Like any service business, we try to deliver the best possible service and offer the most competitive product for our customers. But we are highly sensitive to the risks of indemnifying clients' trading activities, even if implicitly. These costs would just get redistributed to other customers even if it would be hard to measure, and overall, would produce a lesser service for them. Selbst deine Trades, sobald du z. Nicht nur technisch wurden Fehler gemacht. IB TWS API ist ein Spielzeug! Vollautomatische komme immer wieder vor, Profis oder nicht. Skip forex main content. Vollautomatische Handelssysteme und Maschinen. Vollautomatische Handelssysteme und Maschinen Log in or register to post comments. Log in to vote. Warning to all IB Traders! Log in or register to post comments. Vollautomatische Handelssysteme und Masc Hallo, ich habe mir den gesamten Thread durchgelesen und stelle nachfolgend mal die Vollautomatische eines IB Mitarbeiters rein: FA allocation model 1a. IB response forex complaint IB's evaluation of the problem resulted in the following conclusion: Forex have made similar supervision errors at painful costs and learned, too often in the hard way, to: Zum Thema IT und Order Routing etc. ZMP Know-How Derivates Seminars Derivates FAQ Glossary. See ZMP PM Tool Server Task 5 . vollautomatische handelssysteme forex

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